Moje slajdy z TechEd 2015
Ešte raz ďakujem všetkým účastníkom mojich prednášok na konferencii TechEd 2015, plné kinosály ma príjemne prekvapili. Tu sú slajdy, ktoré som premietal:
- Obrana proti pass-the-hash útokom
- Ako funguje Active Directory databáza
- Novinky v PowerShell 5 Preview
A tu sú príklady, na ktorých som ukazoval novinky v PowerShell 5:
#region Init
function prompt()
'PS 5 > '
#endregion Init
#region Links
# Create file symbolic link
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path .\picture2.jpg -Target .\picture.jpg
# Create file hard link
New-Item -ItemType HardLink -Path .\picture3.jpg -Target .\picture.jpg
# Create directory symbolic link
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name Win -Target $env:windir
# List links
Get-ChildItem | select Name,Mode,LinkType,Target | Format-Table
# Cleanup
Remove-Item .\picture2.jpg, .\picture3.jpg
Remove-Item .\Win
cmd /c rmdir .\Win
#endregion Links
#region ZIP
# Zip
Compress-Archive -Path .\ZipTest -DestinationPath .\ -CompressionLevel Optimal
# Unzip
Expand-Archive -Path .\ -DestinationPath .\ZipTest2
# Cleanup
Remove-Item .\ZipTest2 -Force
Remove-Item .\
#endregion ZIP
#region Machine Learning
"Lee Holmes", "Steve Lee", "Jeffrey Snover" |
Convert-String -Example @{Before = 'Bill Gates'; After = 'Gates, B.'}
"123456789", "987654321" | Convert-String -Example `
@{Before = '608352094'; After = '+420 608 352 094'},
@{Before = '786457324'; After = '+420 786 457 324'}
notepad .\Parsing\data.txt
notepad .\Parsing\template.txt
Get-Content .\Parsing\data.txt |
ConvertFrom-String -TemplateFile .\Parsing\template.txt | Out-GridView
# -IncludeExtent # -UpdateTemplate
#endregion Machine Learning
#region OData
$uri = ""
Export-ODataEndpointProxy -Uri $uri -OutputModule .\Service -Force -AllowUnSecureConnection -AllowClobber
Import-Module .\Service -Force
Get-Command -Module Service
Get-Product -AllowUnsecureConnection -AllowAdditionalData
Get-Product -OrderBy Price -Top 1 -AllowUnsecureConnection -AllowAdditionalData
Set-Product -ID 0 -Price 3 -AllowUnsecureConnection -Force
Remove-Module Service
Remove-Item .\Service -Force
#endregion OData
#region OneGet
Get-Command -Module OneGet
Get-Package -ProviderName msi
Find-Package -ProviderName Chocolatey -Name firefox
Install-Package vlc -Force -ForceBootstrap
Install-Package firefox -Force -ForceBootstrap
Get-Package -ProviderName Chocolatey | Uninstall-Package -Force -ForceBootstrap
#endregion OneGet
#region Enums
# Define an enumerated type
enum Color
# Test the enum
# Define a function that uses it
function Get-ColorCode([Color] $Color)
([Color]::Red) { '#FF0000' }
([Color]::Green) { '#00FF00' }
([Color]::Blue) { '#0000FF' }
# Call the function
Get-ColorCode -Color Blue
#endregion Enums
#region Classes
# Define a class
class Pet
Pet([string] $Name)
$this.Name = $Name
[string] $Name
[string] Greet()
return 'Hello'
class Dog : Pet
Dog([string] $Name) : base($Name)
[string] Greet()
return 'Bark'
# Use the class
[Pet] $pet = [Dog]::new('Rex')
#endregion Classes